
KA2 Projects

Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices

We are committed to enhancing educational opportunities and fostering international cooperation through our involvement in Erasmus+ KA2 projects!

What are Erasmus+ KA2 Projects?

Erasmus+ KA2 (Key Action 2) projects focus on Strategic Partnerships in the field of education, training, and youth. These projects aim to address shared challenges in education and training systems, promote innovation, and support the exchange of best practices among participating organizations. KA2 projects enable collaboration between institutions from different countries to develop innovative practices, share knowledge, and enhance the quality of education and training.

Our Involvement

Learning Together actively participates in Erasmus+ KA2 projects, contributing our expertise and collaborating with partners from across Europe. Through our involvement, from Portugal, we aim to:

  • Promote Innovation: We collaborate with partners to develop innovative approaches, methodologies, and resources that address current challenges in education and training.

  • Exchange Best Practices: We engage in the exchange of best practices, sharing our expertise and learning from the experiences of other organizations to improve our training programs.

  • Enhance International Cooperation: We foster international cooperation and networking by collaborating with organizations from different countries, promoting cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.

We are equiped to act different roles from project to project, either to i) provide and organize quality training workshops and seminars to disseminate the outcomes of KA2 projects and share innovative practices with educators and trainers, ii) plan logistics and project structure, iii) develop educational resources, tools, and materials, and more. Throughout the project lifecycle (before, during and after), we are always available to offer guidance and support!

Interested so far? Contact us now to know more!

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EfVET Member

Learning Together is a member of The European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, which strives for the exchange of good practices and value in VET and Lifelong Learning.

Our Main Areas

(Vocational Education
& Training)

Youth Education

Adult Education

From Partnerships for Cooperation, Small-scale Partnerships, Partnerships for Innovation, Partnerships in the fields of higher education, vocational education and training, youth and sport; we aim to contribute our expertise and collaborate with partners from across Europe.

Check out below some of our previous and current partners!

Our Partners

Get Involved

Join us in our efforts to promote innovation, exchange best practices, and enhance international cooperation in education and training through Erasmus+ KA2 projects – let’s create a better world!

Talk to us!

Interested in collaborating with us on Erasmus+ KA2 projects? Contact us to learn more about our current projects and opportunities for partnership.

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